All Aboard COTA Crimes!

A veteran commuter, including almost two decades riding the coaches and rails of New York City's Metropolitan Transit Authority, I have been amazed at the lack of accountability on the part of the Central Ohio Transit Authority, particularly when it comes to the ineptitude and inconvenience of the system, and treatment of its customers. Unlike most metropolitan newspapers, The Columbus Dispatch barely covers this beat--I guess it's readers all are safely ensconced in their earth-killing machines and don't ever have to bother with riding the bus. Even now, most people look at me strange when I explain that I'm a bus rider and don't have a car. But even more astounding to me is the riding public's apparent willingness to endure rude drivers, bad service, nonexistent transfer procedures, and fare increases, just to name a few injustices. This blog will serve to document the abuses, highlight service lapses and shortcomings, and put the word out about discourteous drivers. Kudos will be provided when earned, and readers are encouraged to contribute accounts of their own experiences. It is hoped that the effort will result in the establishment of a commuter-advocacy organization like New York's Straphanger Campaign, to put the system's wheels to the fire. WE DESERVE BETTER!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Close Calls

I get on the 9:00 P.M. northbound No. 2 at 5th and High (it got there 'round 9:17--on time for a change). I should say "run" onto the bus because the driver barely stopped at the shelter and I had to scream, "Wait, wait!" as he pulled off. He basically slowed down, then gunned it. As I got on winded, but relieved I wouldn't have to sit at the corner of Smack Street and Crack Alley for another 45 minutes, Weisenheimer at the Wheel sarcastically sez: "You're welcome!" Like I was s'posed to kiss his big ass or something for the privilege. "Guy didn't even stop," opined an elderly man near my seat. "Yeah, I know." But that wasn't all. Some idgit on a Harley decided he just had to be bad-assed and cut over two lanes of traffic left of us so he could make a right turn on one of the side streets on campus. Then some jogging ditz with headphones blaring runs directly in front the bus, causing Handsome to slam on the brakes and all of the passengers lurching and somersaulting toward the front of the bus. It's a wonder I fucking got home alive.

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