All Aboard COTA Crimes!

A veteran commuter, including almost two decades riding the coaches and rails of New York City's Metropolitan Transit Authority, I have been amazed at the lack of accountability on the part of the Central Ohio Transit Authority, particularly when it comes to the ineptitude and inconvenience of the system, and treatment of its customers. Unlike most metropolitan newspapers, The Columbus Dispatch barely covers this beat--I guess it's readers all are safely ensconced in their earth-killing machines and don't ever have to bother with riding the bus. Even now, most people look at me strange when I explain that I'm a bus rider and don't have a car. But even more astounding to me is the riding public's apparent willingness to endure rude drivers, bad service, nonexistent transfer procedures, and fare increases, just to name a few injustices. This blog will serve to document the abuses, highlight service lapses and shortcomings, and put the word out about discourteous drivers. Kudos will be provided when earned, and readers are encouraged to contribute accounts of their own experiences. It is hoped that the effort will result in the establishment of a commuter-advocacy organization like New York's Straphanger Campaign, to put the system's wheels to the fire. WE DESERVE BETTER!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Out of town.... In Dayton!

Hey, kids! Sorry I've been out of touch! I have been out of town trying to wrap up my long-aborning higher education. I have been in DAYTON! Where the bus system, while usually on time, can be even more exasperating! I have walked home (about a half mile) three times so far after missing the last bus. I have missed the bus several times because they have come earlier than the schedule listed. The bus depot downtown, built just a couple of years ago, is like the bazaar of a decaying middle eastern town, full of crazy folk, ex-cons, current cons, homeless, and just average folk like me trying to brave the Rust Belt Jungle to get home safe just one more night. Plusses of the Dayton Regional Transit Authority: It has the town pretty well covered. I runs later than COTA, and this on more than one line. It runs later on Sundays, allowing people to be out until at least 11 P.M. if they need to be (COTA, are you listening?). It has computerized timetable displays that let you know when the next bus is (or isn't) coming, and heated waiting areas at the downtown bus depot. You are well advised to keep your valuables close and hidden when forced to change buses though. It appears I've gotten a few look-sees on this blog, but no comments. Please do! I was in Columbus over the Thanksgiving holiday and I rode COTA a couple of times. I had the misfortune of boarding around 3:30 P.M., the Saturday of the OSU-Michigan game. It took over half-an-hour to go from South Campus Gateway to Lane Avenue. But I can't blame COTA for that. Once we got through that human morass, things sailed fairly smoothly. I even thanked the driver (instead of cursing him under my breath)for his fortitude in dealing with post-game traffic. I hope to return to central Ohio in the spring, and most likely, I'll still not be able to afford a car, so it will be back to bitching about COTA.

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